Singing, Violin, Songwriting

 Would you like to discover the possibilities of your own voice? Or learn what you can do with a Violin? Or Perhaps… learn to compose your songs? I love to share my experience and will guide you with what you need and aim for. I teach Voice, Violin & Songwriting. Below you can find the information on each of these courses.


My method: Embody Your Instrument

I have been frustrated many times while studying music. I want to teach my student’s ways to learn music without suffering. I love to teach because I love to learn. You learn, and I learn as well, it is a double side learning process, and it is a precious thing to be part of it. I adapt to the needs of the student while giving skills and tools to find it’s own way. We can work on specific styles while we explore your instrument. I believe that our body has an important role in this process, so I like to work on finding the connection between the body and the instrument. This is the reason my method is called Embody Your Instrument.  For more information: write to me & try out.


OPTION 1:  Learn how to Sing – Everybody can sing

Before people would sing everywhere, while working, while walking, around the fire… nowadays, we became shy to sing. I invite you to sing not only in the shower or when you think that no-one listens, but just sing whenever you feel like, on the bike, with friends… Singing scares the bad things, as the Spanish expression says (“Cantar Los Males Espanta“). I don’t want to teach you how to sing like someone else (unless you ask for it). I will give you tools and guidance to find your own way of singing. The voice that comes out naturally, without hurting. Singing with no pressure, but with pleasure.
We don’t want that it hurts, I will give you tools which will make you more aware of your way of singing and the possibilities that you have and still did not discover. Parallel to the exploration of the instrument, we can learn how to sing specific styles with their repertoire such as: Pop, Soul, Jazz (standards, how to improvise with scat and without), Spanish Traditional Music, Flamenco, Brazilian (Bossanova, Samba, Choro…), or whatever you prefer… I can happily adapt to your interests.


OPTION 2: Learn Violin — A Violin is like a third arm

Violin is an instrument which is not very comfortable in the beginning (hard to tune & hard to hold), but once you start to find yourself into it, then you can incorporate it as a third arm. You can bring it everywhere, and it gives you a big palette of possibilities.
Parallel to the exploration of the instrument, we can learn how to play the songs that you like. No matter if it is Classical, Pop, Jazz, Celtic music, Scottish, Bluegrass, Traditional music from other places… I can adapt to your interests.


OPTION 3: Songwriting & Composition — Everybody can be a box of musical ideas

There are so many possibilities when we create something from the beginning! You can easily feel lost: rather because there are so many options, and you do not know what to do, or the opposite, you do  not know which options You have. I will give you songwriting and composition tools to guide you in finding what you want with what you know and what you did not consider yet.

  • Finding Chords, Dispositions, Bass lines…

  • Finding ways to make original melodies and harmonize them.

  • How to write lyrics: figurative o literal but always truly

  • How to bring your compositions alive: how to accompany yourself.


OPTION 4: A mix of everything — For a multi-instrumentalist 

If your  heart splits between different instruments, we can divide our sessions in order to learn more than one instrument at the same time. If you take this option, we will find the way to juggle with your different interests without losing our focus on each one of them.


OPTION 5: + Plus Learning a Language — Two birds in one shot

Learn a language while you learn music. I can give the lessons in Spanish, English, Dutch, Catalan… and I have basic notions of French and Italian.
I will be pleased to be part of your development and guide you with what you want. Let’s play and have fun because, in the end, it is about that!